Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 2011

I'm going to have to try the blog-thing again. Now that I have a home computer again, maybe it will be easier. We'll see.

Jed is still General Manager at Towne Place Suites by Marriott. He's training for his fifth marathon, I think he wants to do the Lambeau Field Marathon in May 2011. He has also started P90X and Insanity workouts.

I am still managing the nursery at Genesis. I recently asked to be able to not manage the East Central branch. I was told I could give my assistant manager more work, but I still need to be the GO-TO person. GO-Figure!!! Anyway I'm trying to be less stressed these days. I am going to start a separate blog next week that is strictly going to be my journal for weight loss (hopefully). I am planning on doing weight watchers again. Cross your fingers.

Kenna is enjoying 6th grade. She was given the "Kindness" award for December 2010. She made all A's on her report card. Kenna will be taking a babysitters class this spring so that she can start babysitting for people. Kenna will be 12 on January 27th.

Koen is a reading machine. He is currently reading "The Action Bible" & "Geramino Stilton: Surf's Up" & "The Revenge of the Shadow King" Koen is getting ready to start practicing baseball. He goes for a uniform fitting on Saturday the 15th. This is his first year to play on this baseball team and not at the rec center. He'll be playing at the southwest boys club in Wichita, KS. Koen got all A's and 2 B's on his report card. The 2 B's were in higher classes than he was in the first nine weeks of school, which were A's then. Now he is in the top reading and spelling class in third grade. Koen will be 9 yrs old on January 23rd.

Kammie is also becoming a reader. She recognizes all of her site words and loves to point them out in books we read. Kammie just turned 6 yrs old on December 22nd.

Kampman is a handfull!!!!!! He goes with me to work and has loads of friends there. He takes swim lessons and really likes it. Today though, he pooped in the pool!!!! I told him "God must have big plans for you dude! Because you're one special kid!" He's also in the terrible 2-3's. Not my favorite age.

Well, that's about it for now!! So, until next year.......JK

God Bless,


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