Friday, January 27, 2017

18 things I want to tell my 18 year old.

I was eighteen years old once. I remember it well. I was young, carefree and couldn't wait until I graduated from high school. Not because I wanted out of there, nah...I somewhat enjoyed high school. What was better than hanging out with my friends for eight hours a day? Well...College. College is supposed to be better, right? Yes and no. College was fun from the standpoint of not having someone telling you to get up and go to class so you graduate on time, but not so good if you can't get yourself up and to class so that you finish each semester with a sufficient grade. I didn't have a problem with the latter, I think I made every one except one early Thursday morning Biology class. A rough night out the night before resulted in not being coherent in time for class.

My oldest child is eighteen today. It's a huge day for her. For me. I decided there must at least be 18 things I could tell her about life that may be beneficial to her so I compiled a list.

Here goes:

Number 1
Surround yourself with people who build you up, not tear you down. You will meet a lot of different types of people in this world; there are too many good ones to choose from to surround yourself with negativity. If you find someone who constantly reminds you of being unworthy, they're not needed in your life. If you aren't enough for them...they aren't enough for you, period.

Number 2
Guard your heart, seriously, it is precious and can break easily. Keep it close to you for as long as possible before allowing someone to get a piece of it. You never know who might be out to take their piece and run.

Number 3
Save your kisses for someone who truly deserves them. Just because someone shows interest in you, doesn't mean they are worthy of your kisses or love. See numbers 1 and 2 above. A person can be into you, but treat you horrible, this is not someone who deserves you.

Number 4
Pray and keep a journal. Writing your everyday life down is a good way to unwind, reminisce and de-clutter. Journal so that you can look back on your life and see what God has done for you. Sometimes you may not notice things he has done until you re-read them in your own hand.

Number 5
Keep your checking balance above the line. Way above the line. Also, only touch your savings in an emergency. And no, those UGG boots on sale at Macy's are not an emergency.

Number 6
Look people in the eye when speaking to them and shake their hand firmly. It shows respect and consideration for the other person. You'll also earn respect and consideration in return. Saying yes ma'am, and no sir, wouldn't hurt your cause either.

Number 7
Always sing in the shower, car and church. Don't let the fact that you weren't blessed with a great set of pipes stop you. If you're feeling brave enough, try your hand at karaoke. Start out in a group, it's easier that way. When not singing, listen to music if it's allowed. Music continues to keep you positive throughout the day.

Number 8
Always give HOPE like its the only free thing in the world. You never know who you are uplifting with your words and who is hanging on by a single thread. Hope is the key. Recognize hope when it is being extended to you as well.

Number 9
Be a gracious winner and a good loser. Never sore. No one likes a sore loser. Accept defeat and move on. This doesn't mean you can't be upset with yourself, simply keep it hidden from an enemy or rival. It'll make you a better opponent for the next battle.

Number 10
Don't burn bridges, sometimes you have to cross the same river several times to get where you are going and the bridge is the only way. It's one thing to lose respect for a person/company as you move from job to job in the working world, but never cause a scene or treat people with the loss of respect you feel. Keep your emotions in check. Count to ten...silently...walk away until you can respond as a mature adult.

Number 11
Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them. As you know, we don't have forever in this world. Someday, it will be your last goodbye with someone and you won't even know it. Don't be saddened by this, simply remember to say I love you at every chance you get.

Number 12
Begin each day with a thankful prayer. Prayer feeds the soul. Thank God for your night of rest, for waking you up with the rising day, for keeping you and yours safe. Pray for God to grant you opportunities to share his word with others. And, don't merely pray, talk to God like he is a friend in the room with you. Have a conversation with him. He listens. Trust me, I know.

Number 13
Remember that everyone has their own struggles. Yours are no greater than the next person's. When complaining about those struggles, take advice and be thankful for the person giving it. They didn't have to listen to your rant, yet they did. Also, be a good listener to your friends/family as they too need to rant their troubles away.

Number 14
Show respect to people who work for a living. No matter how trivial the job. Show respect for the US military, your parents, pastor, elders, boss and co-workers too. Don't forget the Bible or Flag of the United States of America either.

Number 15
Travel. Get out there and see as much of the world as you can afford to. Don't take out a loan to do it, but spending a little money on traveling is well worth it. Someday you'll be less able and sorry you didn't experience more while you could.

Number 16
Party with your peers but don't put yourself in a position where you have to hire a lawyer. Saying no to a situation could be the difference between being embarrassed for a few minutes, in jail or dead. Never, ever, ever accept a drink from someone you don't know or know well enough to trust. There is evil in this world and it sometimes hangs out with alcohol and people who seem normal.

Number 17
R-E-L-A-X as said by Aaron Rodgers, except for life or death situations, nothing is as dreadful as it first seems, so loosen up a bit.

Number 18
Remember your family. Don't forget the ones who raised you, loved you first, and brought you into this world. Or the ones who you spent your childhood with. Siblings, cousins, best friends. These people are your forever family. They'll always be there for you no matter how difficult you are or the situation has become. Your forever family will continuously grow with each day, month, year you spend meeting new people. Some will become part of the forever family, some are merely passing through. Know the difference, but treat each with the respect they deserve.

Number 18 1/2
Your FAITH. Nothing. I repeat, nothing in this world is greater than your faith. No one can take it from you. No one can successfully challenge you on it. You were born a Kings daughter. THE Kings daughter. Your Faith in God is priceless. Hold onto it with everything you have and when you meet new people, marry, have children of your own--pass it on . Teach them how to have Faith like you do.

There are many more words of wisdom to pass along to you, but this should do for now. Mostly, remember to enjoy life and be thankful. The ride you are on is only beginning for you, make it a good one.

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